Helpful Resources

You can access the publication 'Business Succeeds by Valuing People: Human Rights at the Core of Corporate Responsibility' (2018) and other valuable publications and links below.

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Yritys menestyy arvostamalla ihmisiä

Yritys menestyy arvostamalla ihmisiä

Read more about human rights and human rights responsibilities in Merja Pentikäinen's publication ”Yritys menestyy arvostamalla ihmisiä. Ihmisoikeudet yritysvastuun ytimessä” (2018).

You can download the publication to your device by providing your contact details.

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UN Global Compact

Global Compact Network Finland

UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) (pdf file)

The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights. An interpretive Guide (pdf file)

UN Guiding Principles Reporting Framework

The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. An Introduction (pdf file)

UN Sustainable Development Goals

OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct



Haapio: ”Introduction to Proactive Law: A Business Lawyer’s View”, Scandinavian Studies in Law Volume 49: A Proactive Approach, Peter Wahlgren (ed.), published under the auspices of the Stockholm University Law Faculty (2010).  

Halme & Laurila: ”Philantrophy, Integration or Innovation? Exploring the Financial and Societal Outcomes of Different Types of Corporate Responsibility”, Journal of Business Ethics (2009) 84: 325-339.

Heineman: The Inside Counsel Revolution. Resolving the Partner-Guardian Tension (2016).

Liappis, Pentikäinen & Vanhala: Menesty yritysvastuulla – Käsikirja kokonaisuuteen. Edita (2019).

Ristaniemi et al (toim.), Yritysvastuu & Oikeus. Kauppakamari (2022). 

Silvola & Landau: Vastuullisuudesta ylituottoa sijoituksiin. Alma Talent (2019) (English edition: Sustainable Investing – Beating the Market with ESG, 2021).

Vitasek et al: ”The Vested Way: A Model of Formal Relational Contracts”, 52 University of the Pacific Law Review (2020).