Our References
We specialize in helping businesses benefit from responsible operations. Additionally, we collaborate with public sector entities and organizations to accelerate the adoption of sustainability practices.
Some of our clients

Fennia's Human Rights Impact Assessment in collaboration with Bethics Ltd.

Human Rights Due Diligence Assessment together with Bethics Ltd.

Human Rights Due Diligence Assessment together with Bethics Ltd.

Recommendations to ensure corporate human rights responsibility in ICT service procurement with contractual clauses.

Recommendations to ensure corporate human rights responsibility in forest service procurement with contractual clauses.

Organizing an Interactive Workshop on Responsible Contracting.

Assessment of Human Rights Impacts and Risks.

Stakeholder surveys and materiality analysis, as well as executive team workshops for Algol's subsidiaries.

Human Rights Consultancy for Companies Supported by Finnpartnership.

Drafting the Central Chamber of Commerce's Human Rights Commitment and Providing Training for Companies in 'Competitive Advantage from Human Rights' Workshops.

Collaboration on social responsibility and human rights responsibility issues in Hanken & SSE's corporate training programs.

Corporate Responsibility Country and Partner Risk Analysis.

Sustainability Assessment and Program Covering Various Aspects of Corporate Responsibility.

Report on the Concept of Global Responsibility and Indicators.

Sustainability Briefings for Business Finland Experts.

Contributed as an Expert in the Preparation of the Human Rights League's 'Don't Break Sports' Campaign Information Package.

Training Collaboration for Network Member Companies on Various Sustainability Topics: Global Compact's 10 Principles, Data Privacy, Due Diligence, and Sustainability Reporting.
Our other expert roles
Finnish Parliament
Opinio Juris' expert has been frequently consulted by parliamentary committees on various legislative projects, including the Labor and Equality Committee on EU corporate responsibility legislation.
EU Parliament
Opinio Juris' representative served as an expert in an international research group that conducted a study for the EU Parliament on the possibilities of creating EU regulations to prevent cyber violence in the online environment.
Government Ministries
Opinio Juris' expert has acted as a regulatory expert for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, and the Ministry of the Environment. For example, they prepared a report on business and human rights for the Ministry for Foreign Affairs. They also served as an invited expert chair in a roundtable discussion on sustainability in the textile industry coordinated by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment. Additionally, they provided legislative expertise in a study on citizen democracy for the Ministry of the Environment, addressing topics such as human rights and participation.
Office of the President of the Republic
Opinio Juris' expert was invited as a human rights expert to advise President Tarja Halonen when she served as the co-chair of the High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development appointed by the UN Secretary-General.
International Organizations
Opinio Juris' expert has worked as an expert in international law and human rights for organizations such as the United Nations, the OECD, the Council of Europe, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).